Tools for Transformation

Program Offerings

The Transformation Springboard Program is my signature program.  It is a 12-week one-on-one program designed to have the consistency to keep pushing through blocks, opening to more Truth, and really get things moving forward towards change in your life.  What are you wanting clarity on?  What are you ready to see shift?!?  This includes 6 75-minute 1-on-1 sessions bi-weekly over the course of 12 weeks.  When you register and pay in full, you get a BONUS 75-minute session that you can use or gift to someone.  To book this, please go here.


QUANTUM FLIGHT : Accelerated ascension with the Dragons. Enrollment begins with an application.

The newest program! As our ascension journey has quickened, the Dragons asked me to create a streamlined, accelerated version, bringing the 8-month Way of the DragonHeart Program into 8 weeks!

This is designed to be a fast-track merging multiple streams of information into a single lane forward - imagine the Car Pool lone on the freeway!!

The open discussion of your questions about the Dragons from the Book Club, the foundation laying of the Eye of the Dragon path, the merge into who you BE of the Way of the Dragon Heart, and the access to current information continually coming through that is for the NOW moment of this ascension journey.

The same goal... the merge with your Dragon Self (your Light Body), but on light speed. The ongoing message is 'time is of the essence' because the zero-point doorway is open. We are on the precipice before it. The 5D Quantum Realms are open for those ready and the Dragons want to get you there.

8 weeks, includes 1 75-min private session with Araya

There is not currently a program on the calendar, but I do accept applications at any time for upcoming programs. If this program interests you, please contact me!

Applications now being accpeted.. There may be a program starting September 2024


Please contact me with any questions.


The Way of the DragonHeart Program.  An 8-month journey of discovery, opening and deepening into the Dragon Realms.  An opportunity to truly step into who you BE.  For some, just hearing that term is chiming a chord deep within the chambers of your Heart.  What does it mean to awaken that ancient slumbering aspect of yourself… to walk in this body on the Earth in the full mantle of your Dragon Self.  I have split this course into 2 halves now, with the first 4 months being The Eye of the Dragon.  This program has recently evolved into the brand new Quantum Flight. Please see details below! 

'The Way of the DragonHeart Program is a profoundly energetic and healing initiation into the Reality of who you are at your deepest level - a Dragon. Each weekly introduction and experience of new Dragons pushes you to ever deepening levels of your Being. From the Earth to the Pleiades, these introductions allow you to now have personal connections with the Dragons that create, inhabit and protect the Universe as we know it, including yourself. This is the greatest introduction of all - finding out who you are.  Araya's healing sessions augment this introduction by shining the light of awareness of those places that limit our expansion and resting in our Dragon self. It will be scary and exhiliarating at the same time. You each have the potential to be so much greater than you think you are. This class is the doorway for you to explore that greatness for the  rest of your life.  If the opportunity to take this course arises, give it serious consideration. Cyrill-An, Philadelphia' 


Entering the Dragon Realms Finally an opportunity to dive into the Dragon Realms at your own pace. This course was developed to introduce you to the Dragons: who they are, why they are here, why and how to work with them, and how it can change your life and journey.  It is perfect for those that don't want to wait for the next Dragon Within Book Club, or when other live programs don't fit their schedule. Get it here.


A 6-week foundation building course for work with the Dragons. The focus will be on initiation into the Elemental, Black and White Dragons: how to work with them, their energetic characteristics and specialties, improving your capacity to work with and feel energy.

This course is offered as stand alone or with an option to add a 75-minute 1-on-1 session with Araya for a hugely discounted price. Please watch for dates or email with your interest.


Planetary Healing with the Dragons There are many of us here as Dragons that have a role to play in activating and awakening the many Dragons around the globe that have been in a deep sleep staste awaiting this time when human were ready to embrace them again. This mini-class is 2 packed hours of information to help you recognize Dragons in the land, water and skies; how to connect with, communicate with and activate them or the vortices they guard; and understand what a great service this is to the healing of both humanity and Gaia. Available here.


40 Days in the Mirror is an opportunity to truly reflect deeply within your own mirror of self for 40 days.  Why 40 days?  In all mystic traditions, this sets up an experience to touch your core essence in the presence of God.  Jesus, Buddha and other masters over time have shown this sacred time to bring them to extraordinary states of awareness and communion with the Divine.  Adapted from the ancient ceremony of Ma'at, I have created a template of reflection that one can use in a lighter way to begin to see the Truth of their soul in a short 10-minute daily meditation or for those desiring a deeper look, to spend more time with it every day.  The more time available, the more that can be revealed.  Available here.


Meditation Basics Many of us struggle to have a meaningful or deep meditation practice without a guiding voice. This simple online course gives the core basics to get there on your own, which can be the turning point in your awakening and your journey as it was for me. Based on a breathing practice mastered in Thailand and taught every week for 3 years in the early years of my teaching journey, it will really get you on the right track. Available here.


Guided Meditations with the Dragons A whole series of powerful and transformative guided meditations are now available.


Global Activations and Workshops  

Offering 1 and 2-day workshops - Walking With The Dragons - brings a true chance to dive in and experience the Dragons first-hand, to understand your connection with them more clearly and more deeply, to learn why they are with you and how you can work with them more directly.  It will be a powerful gathering for expansion on many levels, as well as a lot of fun as the Dragons come with quite a sense of humor most of the time.

Workshops None currently scheduled...



Global Activations currently scheduled... contact me for registration and details



As classes are offered, they will be posted here and on the Facebook Invoke Healing International page.  

Private programs can also be designed.